Friday 27 January 2017

By popular demand - links

I've been asked by one of my punters dear lovely subscribers if I can provide links for in my videos and blog posts, which I've now done on my most recent video and will do on all future videos that I produce. That now covers Amazon UK, Amazon USA and Amazon CA, which add up to 95% of my audience-base - as such, most people should be able to buy products now and support my work. Remember, I reinvest anything I make from affiliate links and Google Adsense back into my channel and website at the moment and intend to continue doing so for the time being. It doesn't cost you a penny (or cent!) more to shop via affiliate or associate links, but the vendor pays a small commission to the YouTuber or blogger or website owner and it's a great way to support peoples' work and it also saves you a lot of time if we've linked directly to the products you're looking for.

If you want me to look into arts and crafts vendors for any other regions, please let me know!

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