Well, contact me I guess.
Please contact me if you have any questions or opinions you'd like to share about my work or want to ask something you're simply to shy to ask "on air". I'm always happy to help, where I can. Please email me if you have any questions or issues - particularly if another user says something vile to you in the Comments section on one of my pages - if you let me know by email, I can check it out. Similarly, let me know if links are broken or if they don't go to the pages they're meant to go to.
I do reply to all emails - please all 5 working days for a reply and don't forget to check for any UK holidays before you send a follow-up email asking why I didn't reply ;o) If I didn't reply, it's because I forgot...!
I've said this on my "about us" page already, but I'd like to avoid my name being all over this blog just so that it doesn't push my day job websites down the rankings for people searching for me, but I'm Dr Rich Boden, I love by the sea and I enjoy cuddles and a good jigsaw.
You can also contact me on Twitter: @spin_doctor_art or by email using the following email address - removal all spaces and all "3"s to get the email address (spam minimising steps):
s3p3i3n3d3o3c3t3o3r3a3r3t @ g3m3a3i3l . c3o3m3