Monday 20 November 2017

Product Review: Holbein Artists' Watercolour

The HK Holbein Watercolours brand are made in Osaka, Japan, and boast a number of special properties. I noticed in the Jackson's Art Supplies in the UK had listed them as higher quality than Daniel Smith or Winsor and Newton in their 2017 Watercolour Catalogue, so I was intrigued! I procured a Starter Set (aka Introductory Set), which contains Vermillion Hue, Carmine Lake, Viridian Hue, Permanent Yellow Deep, Burnt Sienna and Peacock Blue. I reviewed them in my recent video which you can watch here:

If you want to buy Holbein watercolours to try them for yourself, you can try the following vendors - personally, I think Jackson's have the best deals and shipping prices and they have a better range of stock as a rule:

Jackson's Art Supplies
UK based company with fantastic customer service and have international shipping options and a LOT of excellent discounts!

Amazon UK
They have a good selection and some good deals but if you want individual colours, Jackson's is probably better.

Amazon USA
Again, much like the UK site but a good selection of individual colours.

If you want the specific set that I tried out to see for yourself:

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